Do you have a passion that you actively pursue? Or do you just think about it a lot and get so busy with other things in life that it gets pushed to the side?
I had a professor in college who always told me how important it was to pursue my craft even when I was working. When I graduated from school and went into the corporate world, he told me to never forget to make time for my passion. Whatever your passion may be. It can be anything.
I always thought he made too big of a deal about it at the time, but man, he was SO right. The ONLY reason I am a business owner now is because I took the time to work on my own designs in the evenings after my day job and on weekends. For years I let time go by and just did my job and didn’t work on my own stuff at home. I thought I was too busy. But imagine where I would be if I kept that thought process up? I’d be in the same place I was 2 years ago, working a job I didn’t have a passion for at all.
So figure out what your love is, what makes you happy to do, and do that thing. Do it for fun, or turn it into something that makes you money if you want to (read how I did that here). But give yourself the time to pursue it. Make it a priority if you want to maintain a sense of self that you can be excited about!