I’ve been working from my home office for about 5 years now. With the current situation around the world where we are staying home to stay healthy, I wanted to share my tips on organizing your office space for efficiency!

Declutter the area.
Just like you would declutter your closet, take the same approach to your office space. Throw away trash. Get rid of anything that does not serve you any longer. Really give everything a good look and ask yourself if you use it, love it, or need it to do your best work.
Create a happy space.
You can do better work when you feel great, so surround yourself with things that make you smile. Add family photos, inspirational cards or prints, a soft blanket for your chair, hand lotion that you love, anything that creates positivity! When you are sitting in the same place for hours on end, it’s the little things that keep you going. Think about what those things are, and incorporate them in creative ways.
I keep a little tray on my desk that has items I enjoy in it. I included my favorite gum, lip balm, roll-on perfume in a citrus scent that wakes me up, Sour Patch Kids candies, mints, and a few snacks for fuel.
Streamline your process.
Sit at your workspace and go through the motions of everything you typically do in a day. Are the items on your desk in a spot that makes logical sense? Put the things you use most within reach and closest to you. Store items in drawers that you rarely use but do need once in a while.
The things I have closest to me are my laptop, shipping label printer, the tray of essentials I mentioned earlier, my Ashley Shelly Planner, a notepad, a cup of pens, and a coaster for my water cup.
Try to keep your main workspace clear of any clutter. Physical clutter is mental clutter and will distract you from your work.
Make it beautiful.
Once you have everything decluttered and your processes streamlined, add in any beautiful touches you can. Having a space that is visually appealing and even fun, will make you want to spend more time there and get work done.
I added a laptop cover to my Macbook in a color I love, a beautiful card from my Dad, a pretty candle, and a floral wreath I made a few years ago. All of these things make me smile and feel inspired! What would you add to your workspace?
I hope these tips were helpful and if you’re working at home for the first time, I’m sending you lots of positive vibes for a successful transition! 🙂
Much love,